March 15th 2025
Got a bunch of owed art to get to... Wough. Gunna start to chip away at this Art Debt™ before it chips me.
Had to watch this series in secret away from my parents back in highschool-- Mostly Mum... Even watched a few eps miraculously in the school library a few times-- Don't tell anyone..!!
Still need to pay off those very expensive commission fees for the Yuno cosplay... Procrastination (or maybe anticipation?) is eating away at me. Also, the usual Hidamari request.
On the complete opposite end of the spectrum comparing it to HOW TO ENJOY... (coming soon hopefully?)
Cannor. request meowmeow song anymore..... :( 9 weeks of meowememowoow paid offf.... Time to move on to Best Girl™'s ED.
March 8th 2025
Friend is very much so into this & keeps on recommending it...
Been browsing Skeb a lot more recently... Skebook... Hm...
Roulette Moment...
I wish I could try some of the cooking in hdsk... Hiro cooks up some of the most yummy lookin' foods I've seen in anime. Also, the usual Hidamari request.
Week 9 of (sporadically) Meowing at Mx. Peter to play this. mmmormoewmeow
March 1st 2025
MegaCon Birmingham (March 2025, colorized)
whatever, go my #proroulette
Looking to finally cosplay Yuno after-- 15 or so years of procrastinating... Need help being hyped up for it. (& By "It" I mean paying off... Very... Expensive commission fees... //Shudder) Also, the usual Hidamari request.
(Checks chara song song list) Uhh-- THIRD best Kill Me Baby song..!!
Another anime on my I'll-Definitely-Watch-One-Day Kirara list... Song's always great to hear in medleys though.
Week 8 of (sporadically) Meowing at Mx. Peter to play this. mrow.
February 22nd 2025
Something-something, glasses. Also, the usual Hidamari request.
First time!! How daunting.
Week 7 of (sporadically) Meowing at Mx. Peter to play this. meow meow meomeow memoeeow meow MOs meow MMeoMEOW mmewoMOEW MOEOmeow meowmoeW MEOWOMomowmwoMOEEOWMOEW moewmmoew meow moewmeow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow
February 15th 2025
season tuah. rock on that thang.
...Got a message just now that the immensely long out-of-stock cushioncover I mentioned I ordered a few shows back has officially got lost in the post. It seems Miya-chan ended up getting eaten herself after all. :( Also, the usual Hidamari request (part 2).
SORE WAAAA YUKI NO YOU NIIIIII-- Memories of... Primary School of all things. How I was a sound child, I have no clue.
I need to buy myself a new (Mousou) Croquis Maruman Sketchbook soon... Also, the usual Hidamari request.
Happy Valentiiines!! ♡ (Well, belated by the time the show airs).
Week 6 of (sporadically) Meowing at Mx. Peter to play this. meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow
February 8th 2025
hm…… art anime………… :]
Made a shameless Yasuna Furry & named them after this song a few years ago & to this day they’re still one of my most popular OCs. Nobody will ever know they’re an anime girl.
If Namiko has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Namiko has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Namiko has only one fan then that is me. If Namiko has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Namiko, then I am against the world.
The last unplayed Yunocchi song!! Not biased with this one at all. Also, the usual Hidamari request.
Week 5 of (sporadically) Meowing at Mx. Peter to play this. Mmeowmow.
This ain't no Teenage Highschool Ninja Girl but it'll do.
February 1st 2025
who up killing they baby
Right after we were making liddol jokes involving them last week... (。•́︿•̀。)
Bizarrely “dropped” Yuyu after one ep way back when… No clue why, definitely giving it another shot soon. Especially so since buds say it seems like it’d be right up my alley. (I’m more than sure I remember the charas being decent in KiraFan, hm.)
1st?? Of February?? February like.. Lik ke... KISARAGI????? VERY funny. meow
*Squeak Squeak* Also, the usual Hidamari request.
Going to a London Con again reminded me how I cosplayed from this series (Mashiro) back in 2014 & got into many a heated argument with one of my buds about how Kobeni Mikakunin™ was a much better waifu than Kud Little Busters™. What a conversation topic of it's time.
January 25th 2025
Week 3 of (sporadically) Meowing at Mx. Peter to play this. Meow.
Requested by another friend, we were repeating this on the Tube back to the hotel nonstop (pain)
Nice desu neee
At a Con this weekend staying w buds & asked if any wanted to request anything. Love some Lain.
My Yuno-inspired character just featured/won a contest...!! Feel a Yuno song is mandatory. Also, the usual Hidamari request.
Experts say that anime that have jump sequences in their OPs are top-tier.
January 18th 2025
Was Dad's favorite Ghibli film tied with Kiki. Always turns me into a pathetic, sopping wet mess.
calendar girl i (still) love yooouu
Gotta jump on the non-Pants hdsk request........ woah......
From one art anime to another!! Waiting on an immensely long out-of-stock cushioncover of Miya-chan to arrive-- Hoping the Christmas post hasn't eaten her... Need my bestie with me. Also the usual Hidamari Request™.
Unintentionally binged the entire series the other night on call w a bud & have had this song plaguing my mind since. Had very strange dreams that night that were very reminiscent of my time taking art at college & highschool... Very nostalgic.
January 11th 2025
Fell over on ice on the morning dogwalk & busted my leg to this song of all things a few days ago-- Have been limping around like a ninny since. It's forever to be an association now (derogatory). Also the usual Hidamari request.
calendar girl i love yooouu
Dedicated to my dumb Yuuko who'll prolly refuse to go out as per usual 3
January 4th 2025
14 year anniversary of the airing in a few days!! How time flies.
Gotta shoot one hdsk request in
December 28th 2024
Thank you for all the shows, Peter!! Might've found out about you late but you've made the nighttime dogwalks a lot more enjoyable. Here's to next year!! ❤︎
Somethin' a liddol hopeful for the New Year (Plus Madoka Movie hype!!). x]
Happy New Nyaa, Nya'll!!
December 21st 2024
Today's December 16th, so we have a week plus a day till the 24th.
...It shares the same key/sounds akin to "All I Want For Christmas Is You" if you listen hard enough. Guess that makes it viable enough for an incognito Christmas request?
December 14th 2024
Started streaming GLT to buds again after putting it on the backburner, very bittersweet. We've all been staying up til' 4am. <3
How very nostalgic.
...This was apparently my top played Spotify song of the year (110 streams(?)), awfully embarrassed.
December 7th 2024
Started watching this anime recently after procrastinating on for years, def. recommend.
First time requester!! Tuned in for the first time last week & very much so enjoyed it. Keep doin' what you do. <3