
a request robot for neko desu: anime music with a human presenter

next live broadcast: march 29th at 9pm GMT

to request music, log in or create an account

nkd.su privacy policy

You can look at the history of changes to this document if you want.

who we are

The admins, who control the website and the server it runs on; we are colons and Peter Shillito.

The elfs, who deal with getting new music for the library and correcting metadata issues.

The host, Peter Shillito, who runs the show.

We also have a hosting provider, who technically could get access to a lot of this information, but we don't expect them to. If you want, you can have a look at their data protection documentation, too.

things we gather and how they will be used

track requests

These include:

  • an attribution to your account
  • the time that they are made
  • what tracks they are for
  • any comment you write

These will be used to:

  • act as public-facing track requests for the radio show
  • provide aggregate information to the host to inform playlist decisions

Your requests, comments, and name may also be read and broadcast as part of the radio show.

library addition and metadata correction suggestions

These include:

  • the information you type into the form
  • any contact information you choose to provide

They will be used to:

  • improve the library

The website only shows these to elfs and admins, but they are emailed in plain text and will be shared among the elfs.

track lists

These include:

  • the tracks you have selected and their order
  • metadata, including a name, icon, and description

How these are to be used is up to you.

Track lists are private by default. Public track lists are visible to all. Track lists not marked as public will only be visible to you on the website. Admins still have access, since they're stored in the same database as public ones, but we don't intend to look at them unless we suspect abuse.

account information

This can include:

  • tokens for authenticating you against a third-party authentication provider (like Twitter, for instance)
  • a hashed password
  • a screen name and a display name
  • any commitments you have made under pro roulette
  • pronouns
  • an avatar
  • email addresses
  • URLs of websites you choose to show on your profile page

These will be used to:

  • authenticate you
  • represent you to other users
  • refer to you on the radio show

Email addresses will be used to issue password reset requests. We may also use them to notify you about security issues or other things that may require action from you. We'll never send promotional material or share addresses with anyone, for any reason, except with our hosting provider, as outlined above.

You can change your names or avatar at any time. Please contact an admin if you would like to have this information modified or deleted in a way that the website doesn't give you controls for. Early in the migration away from Twitter, less of this will be user-modifiable than we would like, but we'll be working to sort that quickly.


Some nkd.su features require the use of a session cookie associated with information about what you're currently doing. In particular, we store:

  • the tracks that you have selected
  • which theme (dark, light, or system) you've chosen
  • your login status, if you are logged in

These will only ever be used within your browsing session, and expired sessions are cleared daily.

webserver logs

These include:

  • IP addresses
  • time of access
  • URLs accessed

Only admins can see these, and they will only ever be used for threat mitigation.