
a request robot for neko desu: anime music with a human presenter

next live broadcast: february 15th at 9pm GMT

playlist for november 25th 2023

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192 tracks added this week

Tonight, it's the return of the "Neko Desu All Nighter"! For the grand finale of the Very Scary Scenario charity marathons this year, it's an all-night anime music marathon, broadcast live on The Cat 107.9 from 9pm as usual through to 7am the following day. From the two video game marathons alone, we've already raised over £1100 for National Autistic Society, but we want to raise as much money as possible (of course). Please donate at https://vscary.co/charity and remember to tune in for as much as you can manage!

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ please give generously ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

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